The objective of the SVIS PTO is to establish and maintain a working relationship among parents, the school and the local community.
Support the educational programs and extracurricular activities of the school
Encourage parents’ involvement in the lives and education of the children at SVIS
Foster a familial and happy school community
Assist with the organisation of fundraising events to support additional school programs and the purchasing of equipment.
The PTO does NOT:
Run the school.
Force parents to participation in PTO and/or school activities
Control the school’s budget or dictate the recipients of charitable or other fundraising efforts.
How the PTO works:
The PTO meets twice a term to discuss relevant issues
An ongoing calendar of school events is listed regularly; events that parents are invited to attend as spectators are highlighted in red and events that parents are warmly invited to assist with are highlighted in yellow
The PTO advertises activities for parents such as sports clubs and social events.
To stay in touch:
Join our PTO facebook group. This is is closed group for SVIS parents and staff only.
Find us on facebook and request to be added to the group 'Parent Teacher Organisation SVIS' at the following link: